Upper School

Grades 7 - 12

Wisdom & Virtue

As students mature, they begin to inquire into the reasoning behind things, asking sincere questions and demonstrating independent thought. Classrooms become more discursive, challenging students to think and communicate well. Students engage with many of the great works and take rigorous courses in the humanities, mathematics, and sciences to prepare them to speak and perform well on various subject matter.

Junior High includes students in the seventh through ninth grades. In the 7th grade, a third day of school is added to our schedule. Classes are further differentiated into individual subjects, allowing true experts in the field into the classroom. The skills for independent learning are solidified, and most students complete their Latin language and Logic subject requirements by the end of 9th grade. The natural inclinations of the adolescent are shepherded by encouraging critical thinking and increased agency.

Students finish out their time at Saint Augustine in Senior High, which includes tenth through twelfth grades. In the remaining years of school, we emphasize training for life-long inquiry, preparation for contributions to communities, the beauty of becoming more fully independent, and the foundations needed for post high school study and work. Bible, Rhetoric, and Ethics classes crown the curriculum with an aim towards gracious and winsome speech which reflects the truth of our Lord.

Saint Augustine School, Ridgeland, MS

Classical. Christian. Collaborative.